お食事処 坊中亭では、阿蘇の郷土料理を中心に、うどん・そば、定食をお召し上がり頂けます。また、人気の阿蘇のあか牛を使ったメニューや、お飲み物も豊富に取り揃えております。
![]() だんご汁定食Dango jiru Set¥1,350
Dumpling of flour formed into flat noodles in miso soup with vegetables. |
![]() たかなめし定食Takana meshi Set¥1,350
Regular rice and Takana stir-fried in sesame oilTakana is vegetable of Aso special products. |
![]() 地鶏そば定食Jidori soba Set¥1,350
Dumpling of flour formed into flat noodles in miso soup with vegetables. |
![]() 阿蘇ハヤシライスと阿蘇の高原野菜サラダセットAso rice with hashed meat and the plateau vegetable salad set of Aso¥1,100
Regular rice and Takana stir-fried in sesame oilTakana is vegetable of Aso special products. |
チキン南蛮定食Chicken nanban set¥1,100
chicken nanban with shredded vegetables. |
からあげ定食Karaage set¥1,350
Deep fried chickens with shredded vegetables. |
ハンバーグと海老フライとからあげセットA hamburger, a fried shrimp, and fried chickens with vegetables set¥1,250
Boiled rice, miso soup, tofu. |
ロースカツと海老フライとからあげセットA sirloin cutlet, a fried shrimp, and fried chickens with vegetables set¥1,250
Boiled rice, miso soup, tofu. |
親子丼Oyako donburi¥870
Chicken, onion, shimeji, mushroom, carrot, bowl of rice mixed with raw egg and soy sauce. |
玉子丼Tamago donburi¥870
Onion, shimeji, mushroom, carrot, bowl of rice mixed with raw egg and soy sauce. |
カツ丼Katu donburi¥1,000
Cutlet, onion, bowl of rice mixed with raw egg and soy sauce. |
ビーフカレー(サラダ付)Beef Curry¥870
with begetable salad. |
カツカレー(サラダ付)Curried rice with a pork cutlet¥1,000
with begetable salad. |
たかなめしTakana rice¥850
ごはんBoiled rice¥170
だんご汁(みそ仕立て)Dango jiru¥650
Dumpling of flour formed into flatnoodles in miso soup with vegetables. |
みそ汁Miso soup¥170
からあげFried chickens without coating¥750
阿蘇ジャージー牛乳ソフトクリームJersey milk soft serve ice cream¥350